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Writer:万利隆电子 Page View:Date:2022-01-29

Lunar New Year is a time to celebrate tradition and joyful family reunions with a grateful spirit. MICROHM Group welcomes New Year with our colleagues and partners in a unique traditional sumptuous culinary by special delivery services to mark the New Year of the Tiger.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, “health and social restrictions”. Gatherings for Lunar Year End dinner in full teams seems not realistic especially in South-East Asia Office. Our Singapore office has organized the Year end gatherings “ONLINE”. Through the internet connection and the special delivery to home service under the efforts of our Singapore hospitality service provider. Each Singapore colleague’s family will be served with a full set of traditional Year End sumptuous culinary, to mark the occasion of our global teamwork and MICROHM spirit under the difficulties throughout the pandemic. However, we wish for the best in the Year of Tiger.

We will toast together through WeChat to our valuable partners and customers. Thank you for all your kind support to MICROHM in the year of the OX.
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