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Writer:万利隆电子 Page View:Date:2020-12-25

Nothing beats the cold (COVID) like a company of good partners and friends!
Thank you for all your kind support.
Merry Christmas and all best wishes in 2021.
Microhm Group
Latest News
- New Year Greetings,,,
- Microhm electronic high precision metal foil re,,,
- Resistor's role in measuring and correcting LED,,,
- Single through-hole resistors' characteristics ,,,
- Why shunt resistors for current sense applicati,,,
- Metal-film resistors with small size, high resi,,,
- 36W High-Current Shunt Resistors MMS8420,,,
- 1W Surface Mount Resistor MPR1206,,,
- An Overview of Microhm Electronics' Resistor Pr,,,
- More anti-sulfur resistors used in harsh envir,,,
- Resistance changes with temperature,,,
- 140W TO247 High Power Heatsinkable Resistor,,,
- MMS5930 is ideal for current sensing in industr,,,
- Shunt resistors selection for engineers' design,,,
Hot Articles
- Microhm will take part in 10th Automotive World,,,
- Thanks for Visiting Microhm's Booth E5-5706 in ,,,
- Resistors in Short Supply: Blame Cars,,,
- SMD Resistors Sizes and Packages,,,
- New lunch: High Power Precision Shunt Resistor,,,,
- How to Test a Resistor,,,
- Innovative Technology, Future Electric: Electri,,,
- What is Precision Resistors?,,,
- The Construction and Features of Metal Film Res,,,
- What is a TO-220 Resisor?,,,
- Hot Selling Products: Precision Shunt Resistors,,,
- How to Calculate the Equivalent Resistance Valu,,,
- What is a Fixed Resistor?,,,
- Resistors in LED Circuits,,,
- Resistors Types and Materials Overview,,,
Resistance applications
- The Technical Problems in the Operation and Mai,,,
- Precision Wirewound Resistors' Strengths and We,,,
- High Voltage Resistor and Applications,,,
- Artificial Intelligence Robot Replacing Manual ,,,
- SMT Resistors' Advantages and Disadvantages,,,
- Resistor's Maximum Applied Voltage, Power Dissi,,,
- What are the Advantages of the New Structure De,,,
- Wave Distortion Technology Ensure the Sensitivi,,,
- Artificial Intelligence Robot is Widely Used in,,,
- Shunt Resistor MMS8420 for High Current Stable ,,,
- MICROHM Visits Thor Trucks, a Startup in Los A,,,
- Resistors Ensure the Accurate of Medical Appar,,,
- Resistors' Frequency Response,,,
- New Energy Power Battery PACK Structural Design,,,
- Why the Noise of Thick Film Resistor is Higher ,,,