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Resistor for Solar Power and Biomass Power Technology

Writer:Microhm Page View:Date:2019-07-02
Sustainable and low-carbon power generation is in increasingly high demand, so electrical engineers have to be able to offer specific equipment and components for environmentally friendly applications. Microhm, experienced in producing resistors for generating, testing and controlling renewable power, manufactures and delivers broad range of high-power resistors for the renewable power industry.
Using solar power to generate electricity and hot water is a widely used technology that can utilise resistors to increase efficiency. For example, solar panels that feature electrical drivers to follow the sun can use Microhm’s dynamic braking resistors to ensure they stop when necessary.
Microhm’s external braking resistors are cost-effective, small they and can be used for braking moving parts and dissipating extra energy. The company supplies braking resistors for a range of applications with varying power ratings.

For biomass power plants, Microhm offers neutral earthing resistors  and load testing resistors. Neutral earthing resistors  are used in medium-voltage AC distribution networks and to limit current moving through the neutral part of a generator or transformer in the event of a fault. These reduce the risk of equipment damage by limiting fault currents.

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