How to Improve the Life of Photovoltaic Inverters Produced by Sampling High-Precision Resistors
Writer:Microhm Page View:Date:2018-12-29
Solar photovoltaics are rapidly developing from power stations to civilian markets, and inverters are important products for these photovoltaics. Generally, inverters are installed in places that are well ventilated and protected from direct sunlight, which is good for heat dissipation. If the inverter has to be installed in a place that is not conducive to heat dissipation due to site restrictions, it is necessary to consider the derating problem of the inverter and improve the service life of the inverter.
At present, many PV inverters are produced by high-precision resistors. The optimal operating voltage range of this inverter is generally the operating voltage is around the rated operating voltage of the inverter, so that the inverter has the highest efficiency, single-phase 220V inverter, inverter input rated voltage is 360V, three-phase 380V inverter, inverter input rated voltage is 650V, ensure correct voltage use when in use, this can reduce damage caused by excessive inverter voltage.
We know that precision resistors greatly improve the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic inverters. However, the efficiency of photovoltaic inverters is not constant during use. There are power switching device losses and magnetic losses. At low power, the efficiency is relatively low. The efficiency is highest at 40% to 60% power, and the efficiency is gradually reduced when it exceeds 60%. Therefore, in the installation and use of the inverter, the total power of the photovoltaic power should be controlled between 40% and 60% of the inverter power to obtain the best efficiency.
Any product has its own life. There are many electronic products in the PV inverter. Generally, the stable operating temperature of the PV inverter has a great relationship. The temperature of components such as precision resistors, capacitors and relays is increased by 10 °C. The rate can be increased by more than 50%. The operating temperature is related to the power. The inverter works for 80-100% of the power and 40-60% of the power for a long time, and the life is about 20% lower.
It can be said that the problems of the above several solar inverters can well explain the life of the inverter. In many cases, if the operator does not understand the use of the photovoltaic inverter, it is easy to shorten the life of the inverter. On the contrary, if a reasonable method is adopted, the service life of the inverter can be prolonged, and the power conversion can be greatly improved.

At present, many PV inverters are produced by high-precision resistors. The optimal operating voltage range of this inverter is generally the operating voltage is around the rated operating voltage of the inverter, so that the inverter has the highest efficiency, single-phase 220V inverter, inverter input rated voltage is 360V, three-phase 380V inverter, inverter input rated voltage is 650V, ensure correct voltage use when in use, this can reduce damage caused by excessive inverter voltage.
We know that precision resistors greatly improve the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic inverters. However, the efficiency of photovoltaic inverters is not constant during use. There are power switching device losses and magnetic losses. At low power, the efficiency is relatively low. The efficiency is highest at 40% to 60% power, and the efficiency is gradually reduced when it exceeds 60%. Therefore, in the installation and use of the inverter, the total power of the photovoltaic power should be controlled between 40% and 60% of the inverter power to obtain the best efficiency.

Any product has its own life. There are many electronic products in the PV inverter. Generally, the stable operating temperature of the PV inverter has a great relationship. The temperature of components such as precision resistors, capacitors and relays is increased by 10 °C. The rate can be increased by more than 50%. The operating temperature is related to the power. The inverter works for 80-100% of the power and 40-60% of the power for a long time, and the life is about 20% lower.
It can be said that the problems of the above several solar inverters can well explain the life of the inverter. In many cases, if the operator does not understand the use of the photovoltaic inverter, it is easy to shorten the life of the inverter. On the contrary, if a reasonable method is adopted, the service life of the inverter can be prolonged, and the power conversion can be greatly improved.
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