The resistance element in these devices is a precisely controlled thin film of metal alloy deposited on a high quality alumina rod. Plated caps are force-fitted before the assembly is trimmed using advanced trimming techniques to ensure excellent performance and low electrical noise. The PMRY series are manufactured using vacuum sputtering system to deposit multiple layers of mixed metals and passivative materials onto a carefully treated high grade ceramic substrate, the resistors are coated with layers of blue lacquer.

PMRY series equate Vishay, IRC, EBG, Panasonic Precision Devices with more competitive price and fast delivery. It features wide resistance ranging from 1Ω to 10MΩ, 0.1% tolerace and 5ppmTCR. This metal-film resistor is designed as a low-cost alternative to traditional solutions for precision applications, for instance, telecom, measuring and calibration equipment, industrial process control systems, audio, video.