The adjustable resistor of the potentiometer type is a three-port device. Usually, the middle tap of the potentiometer is divided into two resistors. The resistance of the two resistors can be changed by the center tap, and the divided voltage can be changed. Adjustable resistors are also widely used in applications.
Second, precision adjustable varistor
This kind of adjustable resistor is also called varistor. Its only difference is that the varistor only needs two ports. This varistor is purely a resistor that can accurately adjust the resistance. Usually we call it precision modulator.
Third, fine-tuning type of adjustable resistor
This kind of fine-tuning type of variable resistor is actually the potentiometer we often say, but it does not need to be adjusted frequently. This type of adjustable resistor can be adjusted when the device leaves the factory.

The above three types are our common adjustable resistors. These types have very heavy applications in many industrial fields. In many motor industry, adjustable resistors are widely used to control the operation of motors. At present, with the advancement of technology, precision adjustable resistors are also more and more widely used. In the smart home industry, the adjustable resistors in the LED lighting brightness adjustment controller are well applied by APP, and the market will be further promoted and applied in the future.