A resistor restricts the flow of current through a circuit. Resistors from Microhm Electronics, like MELF resistor HPMRY, metal foil current sensing resistor NMS2818 and MPR 2512, are your best choice for home appliance.

A thermistor is a sensor that fluctuates its resistance value with temperature change; this resistance value can then be interpreted by a control system. Thermistors are often used by electronically controlled dryers such as the Whirlpool Duet dryer or Maytag Bravos dryer to measure the dryer's drum temperature, the control can then cycle the dryer's burner or heating element on or off to maintain a more accurate drum temperature.
Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
An LDR is a sensor, which uses light to alter its resistance value, resistance decreases as the brightness of light falling on the LDR increases. Light dependent resistors are often used on a refrigerator's dispenser to automatically turn the refrigerator's night-light off and on as needed.
A thermostat is a device for regulating the temperature of a system so that the system's temperature is maintained near a desired level. Almost all appliances use thermostats in some capacity. A refrigerator uses thermostats to regulate internal temperatures as well as regulate the need for and length of defrost cycles. Washing machines use thermostats to control water temperatures. Dryers use thermostats to regulate drum temperatures and to protect against fire hazards. Cooking appliances use thermostats to maintain an optimum cooking temperature.

Dryer motor compressor appliance motor
A motor is a transducer, which converts electrical energy to kinetic energy (motion). A motor may have multiple speeds, or directions of rotation. Most AC and DC motors commonly used in appliances, use a coil or several coils called the stator to create a rotating magnetic field causing the motors rotor to spin.