The size and construction of SMT resistors means that they have much lower levels of of stray inductance and capacitance and as a result they can be used for much higher frequency operation. Surface mount resistors are naturally much smaller than traditional axial or leaded components and therefore they enable greater levels of miniaturisation to be achieved.

The technology used for SMT resistors means that they can be manufactured to high tolerances. They also possess a good temperature coefficient of resistance and long term resistance stability. The power rating of SMT resistors is smaller than that of traditional axial leaded components. Although the current levels of most circuits using SMT components tends to be lower, care should be taken when designing circuits using hem to ensure that their power ratings are not exceeded.

Although surface mount technology gives a high level of reliability, there are occasions when rework is required. Often the biggest risk during re-work and repair is caused by leaving soldering iron on the pads for too long. This can give rise to damage board where pads can lift, and also within the resistor. Although he resistors are now more robust than they were years ago, caution should still be exercised.