Not only lamps but also heaters, motors require energy to operate. The amount of energy required is named power consumption which is P(W)=V(V)*I(A)
A voltage of about 2V is applied across its two terminals can light up a LED, so one single dry cell of about 1.5V is not enough. When two dry cells are connected in series, the 3V voltage will exceed the current flowing through the LED and damage the LED.

As the power will entirely be radiated as heat, if the power consumption is high, the temperature of the resistor itself increases, finally the resistor might be burned it or melted down. So it is necessary to define the amount of power the resistor can safely consume. This power is called the rated power of the resistor. Normally, engineers choose the resistor rated at 2 more times of the power consumption.

In terms of serial connection, the resistance value increases as the number of resistors in the connection. While in parallel connection, there resistance value decrease as the number increase of resistors.