Because drones have low operating or low cost, no casualties, good maneuverability, and can be used for over-the-horizon flight, convenient and efficient use. At present, it has been successfully used in the fields of film and television aerial photography, aerial surveying, high-voltage line inspection, address exploration, disaster relief, pesticide spraying, commercial performance, etc. More and more industries are hoping to replace traditional working methods with drones.

Since 2016, the drone growth rate of corporate customer has increased fivefold, and the drone adoption rate of large companies has grown at a rate of 20% per month. As a result, the average size of the corporate drone team has grown to five pilots, and as drones become the tool of choice for aeronautical data collection, the growth of the drone team has driven greater drone deployment across companies.

The booming drone industry brings vast opportunities for resistors, like current sense surface mount resistor MMS2512, metal film resistors PMRY series.