In 2018, artificial intelligence robots generated $200 billion in new revenue and 768, 000 new jobs, according to data. In addition, the same year, the global work hours will be reduced by 2.8 billion hours. In most cases, the time saving and efficiency of artificial intelligence robots means increased productivity, and though reduced workload does not always mean unemployment, 943, 000 jobs will still be eliminated in 2018.

Artificial intelligence robots will create millions of new jobs at all levels, not only high skill and management positions, but also new entry-level and low-skill jobs. For the upstream enterprises of artificial intelligent robots, the number of robots has a great impact on the development of these industries. For example, in the electronic component industry, robot production requires a large number of precision resistors, chip resistors, plug-in resistors, chip capacitors and so on. The growth in the use of these electronic components has created more market opportunities and jobs for these industries.