Electric vehicles rely on power batteries as their driving energy. In many cases, we consider the range of electric vehicles depending on the capacity of the battery. Although the energy density of the battery is indeed the main factor that affects the range of the electric vehicle. However, the performance of power battery management system (BMS) also directly affects the range of electric vehicles. Many times people ignore the impact of battery management system (BMS) on electric vehicles. A good battery management system can improve the endurance capacity of electric vehicles.

In many cases, the battery performance of an electric vehicle determines the maximum stroke and charging time of a pure electric vehicle. Battery cost accounts for a large proportion of the overall cost. Power battery is the most important technical key to the development of pure electric vehicles. The battery performance we pay most attention to are: battery capacity, charging time, battery life. The batteries used in today's pure electric vehicles are nickel-hydrogen batteries or lithium ion batteries (Li-ion battery), both of which can be recycled and reused. In addition, lithium battery suitable for pure electric vehicle includes lithium iron phosphate battery and lithium titanate battery.

The BMS system of electric vehicle usually includes the detection module and the operation control module. The core part of the operation module is the application software, and the detection module usually uses the high precision shunt to carry on the current detection. Because of the difference of precision and temperature drift, the precision shunt has a great influence on BMS system. Taking the precision shunt used in Tesla electric vehicle as an example, this kind of high precision shunt has the characteristics of high precision and lowTCR, which can be used for accurate current detection, battery state estimation algorithm, fault diagnosis and protection. Battery state estimation includes SOC (charged), SOP (power), SOH (health state) and balance and heat management. Among them, SOC estimation, SOH estimation and equalization technology are closely related to the mileage.

It can be said that the current market competition for electric vehicles is undoubtedly the competition between battery and battery management system (BMS). The excellent battery management system (BMS) is a golden key to the electric vehicle's ability to endure. A good BMS can improve the car's ability to endure, as well as battery life. The company have better battery management system ( BMS ) for electric vehicle, the automobile has the superiority in the sales volume competition.