1. If the Rtp value increases slightly and the W value changes very little or remains the same, it may be that the standard platinum resistance thermometer is subjected to slight mechanical shock or oxidation. It should be recovered by annealing.
2. If the Rtp value increases significantly and the W value changes very little or remains the same, it may be that the platinum wire inside the standard platinum resistance thermometer is physically damaged or oxidized. After the annealing of the thermometer, the Rtp value is restored, which may be caused by oxidation of the platinum wire; if the Rtp value is not recovered after the annealing treatment, the thermometer platinum wire may be physically damaged.
3. If the Rtp value increases slightly and the W value decreases slightly, it may be that the standard platinum resistance thermometer is subject to slight mechanical shock or contamination. After the thermometer is annealed, the Rtp value is restored, and the reason is mechanical shock; otherwise, it is pollution.
4. If the Rtp value increases significantly and the W value decreases slightly, it may be that the standard platinum resistance thermometer is subjected to a strong mechanical shock. After annealing the thermometer, the Rtp value can be restored to some extent.
Method for eliminating temperature drift of standard platinum resistance thermometer
5. If the Rtp value increases significantly and the W value decreases significantly, it may be that the standard platinum resistance thermometer is significantly contaminated. After the thermometer is annealed, the Rtp value cannot be recovered, and even Rtp is worse.
6. If the Rtp value drops significantly and the W value increases, it may be a problem with the standard platinum resistance thermometer quartz glass tube seal, and moisture enters the thermometer.
7. If the Rtp value drops significantly and is unstable, it may be a short-circuit of the platinum wire inside the standard platinum resistance thermometer. At this time, the thermometer can only be returned to the manufacturer for processing.
8. If the W value decreases continuously during the annealing process, it may be caused by the growth of the platinum of the thermometer sensor.