Sampling resistors have been around since the invention of electronic components in the last century, but applications have been limited initially due to process levels. Current sampling plays a central role in motor drive in new energy electronics. In automotive electronics, the current sense resistor is milliohm resistor that is a branch of the resistor class. Functionally, it can be listed as a current sensor or shunt.

The current sense resistor is made of nickel-copper alloy (gray gold), making it ideal for resistors with very low resistance (milliohms, micro-millimeters). Such resistors are widely used in new energy electric vehicles, such as EPS, EPB, etc., as long as the motor drive part of the new energy vehicle electronics can use the sampling resistor.

For example, sampling resistors have evolved from mechanical hydraulic power steering systems (HPS) to electrohydraulic power steering systems (EHPS) to EPS in electric power steering systems (EPS). It replaces the original hydraulic power steering system with a motor, converts the current signal into a voltage signal, and feeds it back to the ECU to drive the motor.
New energy automotive electronics is becoming more and more intelligent and safe. Sampling resistors play an important role in this process. In the future, the application and development of driverless vehicles will bring more market opportunities to sampling resistors.